Re: Segmentation fault with PG-12 - Mailing list pgsql-general
From | Andreas Joseph Krogh |
Subject | Re: Segmentation fault with PG-12 |
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Msg-id | VisenaEmail.15.db251c0f6645bb8a.16db46dfe94@tc7-visena Whole thread Raw |
In response to | Re: Segmentation fault with PG-12 (Andres Freund <>) |
Responses |
Re: Segmentation fault with PG-12
List | pgsql-general |
På torsdag 10. oktober 2019 kl. 07:25:26, skrev Andres Freund <>:
On 2019-10-09 10:16:37 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> Andreas Joseph Krogh <> writes:
> > Attached is output from "bt full". Is this helpful?
> Well, it shows that the failure is occurring while trying to evaluate
> a variable in a trigger's WHEN clause during
> "UPDATE origo_email_delivery SET folder_id=$1, created=$2\nWHERE entity_id IN ($3)\nRETURNING entity_id"
> And I'd bet that the root cause is something to do with Andres' tuple slot
> work. But (at least to my eye) it's not apparent exactly what's wrong.
It looks like this could "just" be another report of #16036, which was
already fixed in:
commit d986d4e87f61c68f52c68ebc274960dc664b7b4e
Author: Andres Freund <>
Date: 2019-10-04 11:59:34 -0700
Fix crash caused by EPQ happening with a before update trigger present.
(Tom: This mail is only viewable as text/html, to if you're reading the text/plain version it will seem "hashed")
Aha, that whould be 60e97d63e5d19098e11fa32431a20eea820e2ae9 in REL_12_STABLE
We'll build and run HEAD of REL_12_STABLE, and report back.
> This doesn't seem to correlate with your original report, btw,
> as that claimed the crash was during COMMIT.
That however, would be confusing, unless there's some deferred trigger
that causes another update, which then fires a before update trigger
causing the problem.
Andres Freund
We have a deferred trigger which updates origo_email_delivery:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION origo_index_email_props_tf() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ declare v_prop origo_email_message_property; BEGIN v_prop := NEW; UPDATE origo_email_delivery SET is_seen = v_prop.is_seen, followup_id = v_prop.followup_id, is_replied = v_prop.is_replied, is_forwarded = v_prop.is_forwarded, is_draft = v_prop.is_draft, is_done = v_prop.is_done, is_flagged = v_prop.is_flagged, modseq = greatest(modseq, v_prop.modseq) WHERE message_id = v_prop.message_id AND owner_id = v_prop.owner_id; RETURN NEW; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER origo_index_email_props_t AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE ON origo_email_message_property DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE origo_index_email_props_tf();
.. and then trigger the following UPDATE-trigger:
CREATE TRIGGER origo_email_delivery_update_t BEFORE UPDATE ON origo_email_delivery FOR EACH ROW WHEN (OLD.folder_id <> NEW.folder_id OR NEW.is_deleted <> OLD.is_deleted) EXECUTE PROCEDURE origo_email_delivery_update_tf();
Maybe that will trigger the bug.
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