Is there an easy way to get a postgres aware pgtksh (wish,
Tcl/Tk-shell) for NT and/or the Mac.
Am I right, that pgtksh will allow to run pgtksh scripts unmodified
across the platforms?
I love Tcl/Tk and the paragraph below (taken from sounds so promising, but I
didn't find a pointer to a pgtksh port yet.
PostgreSQL has TCL/TK library in distribution. TCL/TK is a Rapid
Application Development tool. Develop once and run it everywhere on
NT, Win 95, Linux, and most Unixes!
Thanks for any hints,
__o Sebastian Meyer Tel: (0421)218-7702 | "A weird imagination
_ \<,_ | is most useful to gain
(_)/ (_) MeVis an der Universität Bremen | full advantage of all the
~~~~~~~~~~~ Universitätsallee 29, D-28359 Bremen | features." (amd(8))