On Fri, 15 Jun 2007, Robert Treat wrote:
> On Friday 15 June 2007 05:28, Lukas Kahwe Smith wrote:
>> Liam O'Duibhir wrote:
>>> All,
>>> I have posted to Advocacy before about the Business Case for PostgreSQL
>>> initiative.
>>> I am pleased to announce that a full-colour A4 and US print-format PDF
>>> copy of the "Business Case for PostgreSQL" document is now available
>>> from the Fujitsu Supported PostgreSQL (FSP) website:
>>> http://postgresql.fastware.com/community/business_case_for_postgresql
>> Very nice .. one area where I was not sure if the message comes across
>> just right is under the title "Stop paying for software modules you
>> don't need". I think this could be interpreted as an excuse for lack of
>> features.
>> Maybe things like contrib should be mentioned here or the fact that
>> there are multiple different bundles that are based on PostgreSQL that
>> tailor to specific types of users?
> Or turn it on it's head... You wont have to pay extra to gain access to
> advanced functionality, and the cost of software wont increase even if your
> needs for features does.
Or, go a little further, as some people may not mind 'paying extra to gain
access...' Add to it something like, "You won't have to pay extra to add
additional production servers to your infrastructure", only more