Bruce Momjian writes:
> > Imagine someone always having log_statement on and doing some sort of
> > aggregate query counting, say like grep '^LOG: query:' | wc -l. Now that
> > someone (or maybe the admin on the night shift, to make it more dramatic)
> > also turns on log_min_statement_duration (or whatever it's spelled), say
> > to find the slowest queries: grep '^LOG: duration:' | sort -xyz | head
> > -10. In order to guarantee the consistency of both results, you'd have to
> > log each query twice in this case.
> I guess.
Can we agree to this?
* If log_statement is on, then we log
query: %s
(Should it be "statement: %s"?) %s has newlines suitable escaped; exactly
how is independent of this discussion.
* If log_duration is on, then we log
duration: ms
The user can use log_pid to link it to the statement. (If the user
doesn't like this, he can use log_min_duration_statement=0.)
* If log_min_duration_statement is triggered, then we log
duration: ms; query: %s
* If log_statement is on and log_min_duration_statement is triggered, then
we (pick one):
(a) log both as per above, or
(b) log only log_min_duration_statement
* If log_duration is on and log_min_duration_statement is triggered, then
we (pick one):
(a) log both as per above, or
(b) log only log_min_duration_statement
Peter Eisentraut