Re: [GENERAL] Can't Build 7.3.4 on OS X - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Peter Eisentraut
Subject Re: [GENERAL] Can't Build 7.3.4 on OS X
Msg-id Pine.LNX.4.44.0309232030220.2354-100000@peter.localdomain
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In response to Re: [GENERAL] Can't Build 7.3.4 on OS X  (Tom Lane <>)
Responses Re: [GENERAL] Can't Build 7.3.4 on OS X
List pgsql-hackers
Tom Lane writes:

> We used to have a similar requirement for some other platforms (AIX
> I think), and there was a macro named something like BE_SHLIBS to
> include the right platform-dependent stuff for such shlibs.  Not sure
> what happened to it.  Peter, do you remember that?

BE_DLLLIBS; see Makefile.cygwin for example.  (AIX has a similar
requirement, but handles it differently for bizarre reasons.)

Personally, I think the two-level namespace feature is the opposite of
useful and we should stick with -flat_namespace, but I might have to give
in in the interest of having PostgreSQL behave like other packages on that

Peter Eisentraut

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