Tom Lane writes:
> How do you mean "where"? The spec says it's gotta be called
> information_schema, no? What's left to decide?
I was more wondering where in the source tree to put and how to install
it. I would suggest the following: I have a file information_schema.sql
which contains the commands to create the information schema in a
user-space manner. I'd put it into backend/catalog, from there it gets
installed in the same place the .bki files go, and initdb installs it into
template1 near the end.
Maybe someone wants to make a case for putting the information schema
definitions into a bunch of separate .sql files, one for each item defined
in the standard?
We also have to think whether we want to magically represent the
information_schema in the search path as the spec prescribes. I would
suggest a "no" for that. The names of the objects in the information
schema are way to obvious to put in the default namespace (pun intended
for amusement).
Peter Eisentraut