Re: Slow response from 'SELECT * FROM table' - Mailing list pgsql-performance

From Jakub Ouhrabka
Subject Re: Slow response from 'SELECT * FROM table'
Msg-id Pine.LNX.4.44.0211111110310.27466-100000@server
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In response to Slow response from 'SELECT * FROM table'  (Jirka Novak <>)
Responses Re: Slow response from 'SELECT * FROM table'
List pgsql-performance

do you really need all 500k records? if not i'd suggest using limit and
offset clause (select * from table order by xy limit 100 - xy should be
indexed...) or if you really need all records use a cursor.


On Mon, 11 Nov 2002, Jirka Novak wrote:

> Hi,
>    I have table with 30 columns and 30000..500000 rows. When I make
> 'SELECT * FROM table' postgresql start doing something and return first
> row after 10s (for 30k rows) and after 5min (500k rows). It looks like
> it copy whole response to temp space and after that it shows it.
>    I don't know why. I tested same table structure and datas on Oracle
> and MSSQL and both returned first row immediatly.
>    Have someone any idea?
>                             Jirka Novak
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pgsql-performance by date:

From: Jirka Novak
Subject: Slow response from 'SELECT * FROM table'
From: Wei Weng
Subject: Re: Slow response from 'SELECT * FROM table'