I want to log the primary key of a table whenever a new row is inserted.
To achieve this, I created the following function as trigger on update.
However I get the following error on inserts:
ERROR: NEW used in non-rule query
Here is my function:
The first select inside the function body gives me the name of the primary
key field.
create function log_insert() returns opaque as '
currtime timestamp := ''now'';
pkeyname name;
query text;
select into pkeyname c.attname
from pg_class a,
pg_index b,
pg_attribute c
a.relname = TG_RELNAME and
a.oid = b.indrelid and
a.oid = c.attrelid and
b.indkey[0] = c.attnum and
query := ''insert into logtable (pkvalue, tablename, time)
values (NEW.'' ||
quote_ident(pkeyname) ||
'', '' ||
quote_ident(TG_RELNAME) ||
'', '' ||
quote_ident(currtime) ||
execute query;
return null;
' language 'plpgsql';
I would be extremely grateful for any help. I might add that when I print
the dynamic query with a "raise notice" the query looks fine.
Thanks in advance