Hey All,
We have a need to grant privileges on entire databases to users and/or
groups. It looks like GRANT just grants on tables and sequences, but I'd
like to know if there's a more direct way to do it. What I'm doing now
is getting a list of tables and sequences and calling grant for each one
in turn. How am I getting this list (I'm user Perl, not psql)? With this
SELECT relname
FROM pg_class
WHERE relkind IN ('r', 'S')
AND relowner IN (
SELECT usesysid
FROM pg_user
WHERE LOWER(usename) = 'myuser')
Anyway, pointers to any shortcuts for this would be greatly appreciated.
David Wheeler
Software Engineer
Creation Engines, Inc. ICQ: 15726394
david@creationengines.com AIM: dwTheory