hiya guys. i'm new to postgresql but not to sql servers, UNIX, or open
source software projects. i have a few simple questions:
1. is there a FAQ for postgresql in general or pgsql-admin in
particular? how about archives of the lists on the web?
2. the documentation states that when a database is created, only the
owner has any permissions on that database. however, when i access that
database as another user, i can do anything i want. what gives?
3. how do you change a postgres user's password?
4. if someone's inclined to do some handholding, i'm trying to create a
system consisting of a database and two postgres users (not real UNIX
users). one should be able to insert, update, delete, and select, while
the other should only be able to select. neither should be able to create,
drop, or alter tables. both should be able to connect from a specific
external ip address after authenticating themselves with an encrypted
password. of course, if no one's inclined to hold my hand, i'm certain
i'll muddle my way through it eventually.
i'm using the postgresql-7.0.2-2 RPMs from ftp.postgresql.org. i have read
or skimmed the postgresql documentation as well as the Bruce Momjian's
book. i feel pretty stupid that i wasn't able to answer these basic
questions on my own given the breadth and depth of the documentation
available; i'm grateful for any assistance y'all can provide.
- donald