Hi all,
I have a problem with psql cert authentication and user mapping.
In my installation, the user certificate CN's contain human-readable names (utf8, with spaces, etc.). I want *all*
usersconnecting with cert authentication to be mapped to a certain database role. The server runs on Debian Stretch,
usingthe package “postgresql-10” ver. “10.11-1.pgdg90+1”.
The configuration in pg_hba.conf is, inter alia
hostssl testdb all cert map=certaccess
The file pg_ident.conf contains the line (which should, as the re matches *everything*, map all users?)
certaccess /^.*$ testuser
I have a user certificate, issued by the same CA as the server cert, with CN "Albrecht Dreß". Running psql on a remote
albrecht@deneb:~$ psql -h dbserver -U "Albrecht Dreß" testdb
psql: FATAL: certificate authentication failed for user "Albrecht Dreß"
FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "Albrecht Dreß", database "testdb", SSL off
The server log says:
Albrecht Dreß@testdb LOG: no match in usermap "certaccess" for user "Albrecht Dreß" authenticated as "Albrecht Dreß"
Albrecht Dreß@testdb FATAL: certificate authentication failed for user "Albrecht Dreß"
Albrecht Dreß@testdb DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 136: " hostssl testdb all cert map=certaccess"
Albrecht Dreß@testdb FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "Albrecht Dreß", database "testdb", SSL
For me, this looks as if the certificate is accepted, but the regexp match of the CN somehow fails.
Note 1: I don't have a role “Albrecht Dreß” defined.
Note 2: using my “real” user name (albrecht), i.e. omitting the “-U” option above, fails with the server log message
“provideduser name (albrecht) and authenticated user name (Albrecht Dreß) do not match”.
Any idea what I did wrong, and how I can a working cert authentication?
Thanks in advance,