While I'm not expert what I would do is something like this
Items table
fields: item_id item_name
Attributes table
fields: attribute_id attribute_name
Item_Attr table
fields: item_id attribute_id attribute_value
Now an item can be associated with any number of attributes.
03/12/2002 13:17:15, "Ries van Twisk" <ries@jongert.nl> wrote:
>Hi All,
>is there any whitepaper, document or website that can point me to how to
>setup a inventory system?
>I'm particulary interested how other people solve the problem of a unknown
>number of attributes to a inventory item.
>BAL <-- Inventory Item
> - Color <- Attribute
> - Diameter <- Attribute
> - Weight <- Attribute
>Car <-- Inventory Item
> - Speed <- Attribute
> - Size <- Attribute
> - Weight <- Attribute
> - Color <- Attribute
>Computer <-- Inventory Item
> - Brand <- Attribute
> - Weight <- Attribute
> - Windows/Linux <- Attribute
>I can ofcource add any number of columns to a table but for a lot of items
>there will be a lot of NULL values and currently I don't know how many
>attrubutes one item can have (possible between 10 and 20). This can even
>change in feature opon request.
>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster