Resue of the sql dump to create new database. - Mailing list pgsql-cygwin
From | Anil Jangam |
Subject | Resue of the sql dump to create new database. |
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Msg-id | F73B646FCC01D5118F530002B32C337263B254@INDTS_FS Whole thread Raw |
List | pgsql-cygwin |
Hi, I am trying to use the exiting sql dump (stored in a file test.sql) as follows to create the database tables in another database. Now, When I run this using command "psql -U uss -d enterprisedata -f test.sql" , I get the following error. NOTE: There is alreay a database exist named "enterprise" with same properties. I am just trying to create a mirror image in another database under new owner. What is wrong with this?? Where as when it is created using pgAdmin, it doesn't give this kind of error message. I hope we should be able to use the .sql file content to create the database. (This test.sql file is beiong generated with "File -> Save DB Schema" option in the pull down menu. Also pg_dump command can be used on the prompt.) -anil. *********** Content of test.sql file ***************** CREATE TABLE "FunctionEntityInventory" ( "ComponentID" int2 NOT NULL, "EntityType" varchar(25), "EntityName" varchar(25), "RedundencyRequired" char(1), CONSTRAINT "FunctionEntityInventory_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("ComponentID") ); REVOKE ALL ON "FunctionEntityInventory" FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON "FunctionEntityInventory" TO "uss"; COMMENT ON TABLE "FunctionEntityInventory" IS 'This table is the central repository for all the compnents in the network. The components here are UCM and USC.'; CREATE TABLE "DataAccessIdentifier" ( "DataAccessID" int2 NOT NULL, "PrimaryComponentID" int2 NOT NULL, "SecondaryComponentID" int2 NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT "DataAccessIdentifier_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("DataAccessID"), CONSTRAINT "PrimaryCompID" FOREIGN KEY (PrimaryComponentID) REFERENCES "FunctionEntityInventory" (ComponentID) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE, CONSTRAINT "SecondaryCompID" FOREIGN KEY (SecondaryComponentID) REFERENCES "FunctionEntityInventory" (ComponentID) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE ); REVOKE ALL ON "DataAccessIdentifier" FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON "DataAccessIdentifier" TO "uss"; COMMENT ON TABLE "DataAccessIdentifier" IS 'This table defines the data access identifier, which is a common interface for primary and secondary components. Thus both the components looks at the same data.'; ******************************************************* **************** Error message ********************** $ psql -U uss -d enterprisedata -f test.sql psql:test.sql:7: NOTICE: CREATE TABLE/PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index 'F unctionEntityInventory_pkey' for table 'FunctionEntityInventory' CREATE CHANGE CHANGE COMMENT =============== upto this it creates the 'FunctionEntityInventory' table in the database ================== psql:test.sql:19: NOTICE: CREATE TABLE/PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index ' DataAccessIdentifier_pkey' for table 'DataAccessIdentifier' psql:test.sql:19: NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit trigger(s) for FOREIGN KEY check(s) psql:test.sql:19: ERROR: columns referenced in foreign key constraint not found. psql:test.sql:20: ERROR: Relation 'DataAccessIdentifier' does not exist psql:test.sql:21: ERROR: Relation 'DataAccessIdentifier' does not exist psql:test.sql:22: ERROR: pg_ownercheck: class "DataAccessIdentifier" not found *******************************************************
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