> On 07-Oct-98 Jackson, DeJuan wrote:
> >> Is there any way to select a random row from a table using an SQL
> >> query?
> >> I'm using Postgresql 6.3.2.
> >>
> > I'd look at using cursors and random().
> It's a good idea. Do you (or someone else) know how to use the
> following
> PostgreSQL functions: oidrand(oid,int4) ,oidsrand(int4)? What are they
> intended for and what is their result?
Never seen them before but it looks like:
oidsrand(int4) -- seeds the random number generator for oidrand to
oidrand(oid, int4) -- returns a psudo-random oid
The parameters to oidrand I can't figure out.
Anybody else?
> ---
> ------------------------------------
> Mauro Bartolomeoli
> e-mail: mbarto@novacomp.it
> ICQ#: 9602542
> ------------------------------------