Hello all,
Sorry for what may be a "newbie" question, but I haven't used PostgreSQL
since the ODBC driver was called PostODBC, not pgsqlodbc, and I can't find
this answer in the list archives.
I have locking working in an ODBC application, written in VB using
Connection/Recordset objects, "select ... for update", BeginTrans, and
Update/CommitTrans to save the data). This correctly blocks other users from
editing (but not reading) the record being edited. That's what I want.
However, other users attempting to edit the record are blocked until the
record is released. Normally, a database will release the user with an error
noting that they were blocked by a record lock. PostgreSQL is not doing
Can it be made to do so? This is a data entry application, so blocking other
users until the record is released by the editor is not acceptable.