Did you install with the same user as you are now trying to run initdb with?
Is the template1.bki where it thinks it is?
- Stuart
-----Original Message-----
From: SHAJI K K [mailto:KKSHAJI@nestec.net]
Sent: 12 December 2001 11:06
To: pgsql-cygwin@postgresql.org
Subject: [CYGWIN] Installation problem
I installed the postgresql 7.1.3 using the cygwin setup program.
The setup.exe version is
When i tried to run "initidb" to create the database i got the following
"The input file '/usr/share/postgresql/template1.bki' needed by does not
belong to PostgreSQL 7.1.2. Check your installation or specify the
correct path using the -L option."
Why this happened and how can i correct this and run postgresql.
Shaji K.K
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TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster