I wrote:
> All,
> This is my first patch review for PostgreSQL. I did submit a patch last
> commit fest (Boyer-Moore) so I feel I should review one this commit fest.
> I'm quite new to PostgreSQL so please don't rely on me totally. I'll do my
> best. Heikki is also reviewing this patch which makes me feel better.
> My aim is to get the author has much feed back as quickly as possible. For
> this reason I'm going to be breaking down my reviews into the following
> topics.
> 1. Does patch apply cleanly?
> 2. Any compiler warnings?
> 3. Do the results follow the SQL standard?
> 4. Performance Comparison, does it perform better than alternate ways of
> doing things. Self joins, sub queries etc.
> 5. Performance, no comparison. How does it perform with larger tables?
This thread covers part of 3.
Quoted from SQL:2008
"If CUME_DIST is specified, then the relative rank of a row R is defined as
NP/NR, where NP is defined
to be the number of rows preceding or peer with R in the window ordering of
the window partition of R
and NR is defined to be the number of rows in the window partition of R."
So let me create a quick test case...
create table employees ( id INT primary key, name varchar(30) not null, department varchar(30) not null, salary int not
null,check (salary >= 0)
insert into employees values(1,'Jeff','IT',10000);
insert into employees values(2,'Sam','IT',12000);
insert into employees values(3,'Richard','Manager',30000);
insert into employees values(4,'Ian','Manager',20000);
insert into employees values(5,'John','IT',60000);
insert into employees values(6,'Matthew','Director',60000);
My interpretation of the standard should make the last two columns in the
following query equal, and they are in the patch.
SELECT name,CAST(r AS FLOAT) / c, cd
CUME_DIST()OVER(ORDER BY salary) AS cd FROM employees
) t;
Both Oracle and Sybase say otherwise. Have I (we both) misinterpreted the
name,cast(t.r as real)/t.c,cd
Above are the results from Sybase.
Can anyone see who is correct here? Is it possible that both Oracle and
Sybase have it wrong?