Thanks for running those tests. I had a quick look at the results and
I think to say that all 4 are better is not quite right. One is
actually a tiny bit slower and one is only faster due to a plan
Yes.. Thanks for pointing it out.
Q18 uses a result cache for 2 x nested loop joins and has a 0% hit
ratio. The execution time is reduced to 91% of the original time only
because the planner uses a different plan, which just happens to be
faster by chance.
This case should be caused by wrong rows estimations on condition
o_orderkey in (select l_orderkey from lineitem group by l_orderkey having
sum(l_quantity) > 312). The estimation is 123766 rows, but the fact is 10 rows.
This estimation is hard and I don't think we should address this issue on this
Q20 uses a result cache for the subplan and has a 0% hit ratio. The
execution time is 100.27% of the original time. There are 8620 cache
This is by design for current implementation.
> For subplans, since we plan subplans before we're done planning the
> outer plan, there's very little information to go on about the number
> of times that the cache will be looked up. For now, I've coded things
> so the cache is always used for EXPR_SUBLINK type subplans. "
I first tried to see if we can have a row estimation before the subplan
is created and it looks very complex. The subplan was created during
preprocess_qual_conditions, at that time, we even didn't create the base
RelOptInfo , to say nothing of join_rel which the rows estimation happens
much later.
Then I see if we can delay the cache decision until we have the rows estimation,
ExecInitSubPlan may be a candidate. At this time we can't add a new
ResutCache node, but we can add a cache function to SubPlan node with costed
based. However the num_of_distinct values for parameterized variable can't be
calculated which I still leave it as an open issue.