On Mon, Jun 21, 2021 at 9:52 AM Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> > I'm not so sure that it is. The point isn't the risk, even if it could
> > be calculated. The point is the downsides of being wrong are huge and
> > pretty much unbounded, whereas the benefits of being right are tiny
> > and bounded. It almost doesn't matter what the underlying
> > probabilities are.
> You're throwing around a lot of pejorative adjectives there without
> having bothered to quantify any of them. This sounds less like a sound
> argument to me than like a witch trial.
I'm not sure what you mean by pejorative. Isn't what I said about
downsides and upsides pretty accurate?
> Reflecting for a bit on the ancient principle that "the only good numbers
> in computer science are 0, 1, and N", it seems to me that we could make
> an effort to classify RelOptInfos as provably empty, provably at most one
> row, and others. (This would be a property of relations, not individual
> paths, so it needn't bloat struct Path.) We already understand about
> provably-empty rels, so this is just generalizing that idea a little.
It sounds like you're concerned about properly distinguishing between:
1. Cases where the only non-reckless choice is a hash join over a
unparameterized nested loop join
2. Cases that look like that at first, that don't really have that
quality on closer examination.
This seems like a reasonable concern.
> Once we know about that, at least for the really-common cases like unique
> keys, I'd be okay with a hard rule that we don't consider unparameterized
> nestloop joins with an outer side that falls in the "N" category.
> Unless there's no alternative, of course.
I thought that you were arguing against the premise itself. It's now
clear that you weren't, though.
I don't have an opinion for or against bringing the provably-empty
rels stuff into the picture. At least not right now.
Peter Geoghegan