Yeah, Postgres has an analogous kind of problem. Our standard way to use "large objects" is to store their identifying OIDs in tables,
and in particular they can *not* close the transaction that read the OID if they'd like to read a matching state of the large object. So far there's not been a lot of complaints about that ...
OK, so it seems like so far my design is not far off the PostgreSQL design (which is very comforting).
I wonder if the difference is in the client<->server protocol.
Does PostgreSQL hold the transaction open until the client side has closed the resultset (or the query object possibly, not sure about the PostgreSQL API here).
H2 has a very simple client-server protocol, which means the client simply sends a query and gets back a result-set stream, and there is no explicit acknowledgement of when the client closes the resultset, which means that the MVCC transaction is typically closed by the time the client even starts reading the resultset.