RE: access from java does not work in an applet! - Mailing list pgsql-jdbc

From Joe Shevland
Subject RE: access from java does not work in an applet!
Msg-id C56487636E5CD4119B1E00D0B789098ADA29C2@MEL-EXCH1
Whole thread Raw
In response to access from java does not work in an applet!  ("B.N.V. Raman" <>)
Responses RE: access from java does not work in an applet!
List pgsql-jdbc
Applets sit in security 'sandbox'... you can only make connections back to
the applet's originating server from the applet, so if your Postgres
database is on the web server it'll be OK (barring firewalls etc.) but if
its on another server the applet context will complain.

Your alternatives are to digitally sign the applet and loosen the security
restrictions, provide a proxying service from your web server to the
database server (or a natd rule), and potentially some other options that my
shrivelled brain can't come up with at the moment ;)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: B.N.V. Raman []
> Sent: Tuesday, 15 May 2001 10:19 PM
> To: Pgsql-Jdbc@Postgresql. Org
> Subject: [JDBC] access from java does not work in an applet!
> Hello,
> Using JDBC, I was making a web access program for my postgres
> database.
> While the same code works in a Java program, when i convert
> it into a Java
> applet, i get a netscape security exception. What do i do?
> Thanks,
> Raman.
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pgsql-jdbc by date:

From: "B.N.V. Raman"
Subject: access from java does not work in an applet!
From: "B.N.V. Raman"
Subject: RE: access from java does not work in an applet!