RE: [INTERFACES] JDBC & IE40 - Mailing list pgsql-interfaces

From Mikael Hammarin
Msg-id C17EAABE11FAD1119CC80060B087985524D0@CLETX08
Whole thread Raw
Responses RE: [INTERFACES] JDBC & IE40
List pgsql-interfaces
> On Mon, 27 Jul 1998, Mikael Hammarin wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Since the bug in Internet Explorer 4.0 doesn't allow you to
> > make a Class.forName("portgresql.Driver") to load the postgresql-
> > driver, I now load it manually with DriverManager.registerDriver()
> > instead.  However, now I get a "not-very-wanted" errormsg
> > "cannot access """... ?
> Is your postgresql server?
> I presume you are using:
>     java.sql.DriverManager.registerDriver(new Driver());
> This is how the driver registers itself
Yes, *IS* a valid host, and it DOES exist.
I use:
-- snip --
    postgresql.Driver driver = new postgresql.Driver();
    try {
    catch(Exception e) {
-- snip --
to register the driver.

This part works though.  The problem is when I try to make
a connection:
    conn = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionURL);

This generate an exception as I mentioned above, and returns
"cannot access <hostname>".  I searched through the java-classes,
but I didn't find this string *anywhere*.  That's why I wondered
where it came from.  (it's not an standard hostnotfound exception)

However, the strange part is, that this *ONLY* happen when I run
my program as an Applet in IE40.  It *DOES* work perfect if I run
the program as an application or in hotjava.  I.e. It only seem
to happen in MSIE40.  In other words, I know that the JDBCURL is
right and that access-lists are correct.

I was thinking that maybe the postgresql driver doesn't work correctly
when you register it with registerDriver() instead of Class.forName()?

Have you got JDBC working in IE40?

> > Anyone familiar with this? What class generates this msg?
> > (what exception?)
> The only place I can think is IOException (unless your
> postgresql server
> is not the same as the web server).

pgsql-interfaces by date:

From: Yang Su
Subject: Re: [INTERFACES] simple JDBC --> can't get started
From: "Thomas G. Lockhart"
Subject: psqlodbc