Just a thought. When you are restoring, are you restoring using the same
encoding as the database you dumped. I recall having similar problems and
it was because my dumped database was in SQL ASCII and I had mistakenly
created my new database using UNICODE.
Also I think I had an issue if I was using a pg_restore older than the
version that came with the pg version I used dump.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jochem van Dieten [mailto:jochemd@oli.tudelft.nl]
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 8:25 AM
To: Federico Simonetti (Etheye)
Cc: pgsql-hackers-win32@postgresql.org
Subject: Re: R: R: [pgsql-hackers-win32] How to move a DB from one server
Federico Simonetti (Etheye) wrote:
> uhm, you may have lost my first message... I said that I am unable to
> run pg_restore on a different computer other than the one pg_dump was
> used on. I always get a return code of 1 (error). I can easily and
> quickly dump a database with pg_dump but I can't restore it on a PC
> different from the one used to back it up. And I really can't understand
> why, I have tried all possible options...
If you can not restore a dump, you are either doing something
wrong or you have discovered a bug:
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