Re: [BUGS] More SSL questions.. - Mailing list pgsql-hackers-win32

From Obe, Regina DND\\MIS
Subject Re: [BUGS] More SSL questions..
Msg-id B318FD8D29DCD411BD0500D0B7A91C6704103B33@jupiter
Whole thread Raw
List pgsql-hackers-win32
I wonder if maybe you just unchecked the "Hidden" property of the AppData
folder.  On my Windows 2000 it shows as a hidden folder.  Although I don't
have an XP box handy at the moment to check watch its default Hidden status

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Dunstan []
Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2005 6:36 PM
To: Bruce Momjian
Cc: Matthew T. O'Connor; Magnus Hagander; Tom Lane;
Subject: Re: [pgsql-hackers-win32] [BUGS] More SSL questions..

Bruce Momjian wrote:

>Andrew Dunstan wrote:
>>>>If we want to "play nice" in the windows world, we should definitly
>>>>*not* put things directly in %USERPROFILE%. And if we're ever going to
>>>>change it, now is the time. I would like to see all these files moved
>>>>into <appdatadir>\PostgreSQL\
>>>>or %USERPROFILE%\PostgreSQL\ (Appdata is obviously the nicest). We
>>>>might want to consider removing the leading-dot on those files too -
>>>>some Widnows tools go nuts on that. (most don't, but some do). And it
>>>>doesn't accomplish anything (like it does on Unix) other than confusing
>>>>the user. If it's not too much work.
>>>The problem with Appdata is that it's a hidden folder.  Are we storing
>>>files here that we expect the user to be able to get to easitly and
>>>edit often?  It may still be the best option, but I thought I would
>>>rasise that point.  The other option is to put most of this data into
>>>the registrty.
>>>BTW I have a few folders like %USERPROVILE%\.Application from windows
>>>ports of Unix apps like the GIMP.
>>It's not hidden on my XP-Pro box.
>OK, I can't believe I know the answer to this, but if you display your
>%USERPROFILE directory using the standard XP directory viewer, and under
>Tools/Folder_Options, choose "View" then look at the "Hidden Files and
>Folders" option.  I bet you will see "Show hidden files and folders"
>enabled, but by default that radio button is disabled.
>So, buy default "Application Data" is invisible in that application,
>though you have enabled it, probably because you know what you are doing
>and need to get to certain configuration files.

Bzzzt. The hidden attribute is not set on the directory. Has nothing to
do with my explorer settings. When I turn that setting off I can still
see the folder.



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pgsql-hackers-win32 by date:

From: "Magnus Hagander"
Subject: Re: [BUGS] More SSL questions..
From: Tom Lane
Subject: Re: [BUGS] More SSL questions..