PGAdminIII Query Tool Edit Window Key Commands stopped working between 1.0 and 1.10.0 beta. - Mailing list pgsql-bugs

From Larry Silvermintz
Subject PGAdminIII Query Tool Edit Window Key Commands stopped working between 1.0 and 1.10.0 beta.
Msg-id A30CF1552C264E1AA28D9E07C1FD74AF@LARRY
Whole thread Raw
List pgsql-bugs
Hello, I just (April 20 download) switched from PG 8.3 (with the PgAdminIII
that it shipped with, to 8.4 beta, with it's included PGAdminIII 1.10.0

I am running the Win32 (Precompiled) version on Win XP Pro.  Language:

In the Query Tool Edit window, the tab key Commands stopped working between
1.0 and 1.10.0 beta.  Specifically, the tab key no longer performs any
action.  It used to initiate a block indent.  Similarly Shft-tab (performs
no action) no longer performs block-unindent.  If I paste in a tab character
from part of an old file, the block indents are activated correctly.

In the Preferences dialog, I set the tab value to 4, 5, and 12.  Itried with
and without conversion of tabs to spaces.

            I also find that the ctrl+space command performs no action,
whereas the documentation says it should activate a code-completion menu.

Please suggest a fix or resolve if a true bug.  Respectfully,

Larry Silvermintz, Ph.D.

(510) 705-1432

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