Re: [INTERFACES] PostgreSQL JDBC with StarOffice - Mailing list pgsql-interfaces

From Fabio.di.Fabio
Subject Re: [INTERFACES] PostgreSQL JDBC with StarOffice
Msg-id 99102120481206.00414@lmib
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: [INTERFACES] PostgreSQL JDBC with StarOffice  (Peter Mount <>)
List pgsql-interfaces
On gio, 21 ott 1999, Peter Mount wrote:
>On Wed, 20 Oct 1999, Fabio.di.Fabio wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to connect to a PostgreSQL database via the
>> JDBC-PostgreSQL interface in StarOffice, but I got a error when I try
>> to create a table. Any suggestion?
>Not yet, although I am looking at it at the moment.

ok thanks,

for completeness my system is LinuxSuse6.2 with PostgreSQL 6.4.x and
StarOffice5.1, jdk1.1.7 from blackdown

these are my steps:

first I've created a database called "provasoffice" with pgaccess.
Then I've set the classpath with postgresql.jar.
>From StarOffice File->New Database, in the dialog box I've choosen
JDBC for the type, and in the JDBC preferences I've set:

JDBC Class Driver:  postgresql.jar
URL: jdbc:postgresql:provasoffice
my user name and my login

after when I try to create a new table I get this error:
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "("

ciao, Fabio

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