Bug in SQL function with returntype void - Mailing list pgsql-bugs

From Zíka Aleš, Ing.
Subject Bug in SQL function with returntype void
Msg-id 952EEDA52038D711AEA10002A562DC410CF7BB@www
Whole thread Raw
Responses Re: Bug in SQL function with returntype void
List pgsql-bugs
Your name        :    Ales Zika
Your email address    : Ales.Zika@seznam.cz

System Configuration
--------------------- Architecture (example: Intel Pentium)      : Intel Pentium
 Operating System (example: Linux 2.0.26 ELF)     : Windows 2002 Professionl
CZ + cygwin
 PostgreSQL version (example: PostgreSQL-7.3.3):   PostgreSQL-7.3.3
 Compiler used (example:  gcc 2.95.2)        : originally compiled EXE
from cygwin

Please enter a FULL description of your problem:
------------------------------------------------I tried the example "CREATE FUNCTION clean_EMP () RETURNS void AS
'DELETE FROM EMP WHERE EMP.salary <= 0' LANGUAGE SQL;" in chapter 9.2.1 of
Programmer's guide.When the function was invoked, it delete only one tuple, although
there were more tuples satisfying the WHERE condition. During secont
invocation it deleted next tuple and so on.

Please describe a way to repeat the problem.   Please try to provide a
concise reproducible example, if at all possible:
CREATE TABLE emp (name text, salary int);
INSERT INTO emp VALUES ('one', 100);
INSERT INTO emp VALUES ('two', 1000);
INSERT INTO emp VALUES ('three', -1000);
INSERT INTO emp VALUES ('four', -1500);
INSERT INTO emp VALUES ('five', -100);
CREATE FUNCTION clean_emp () RETURNS int AS 'DELETE FROM emp WHERE salary <=

test=# SELECT * FROM emp;name  | salary
-------+--------one   |    100two   |   1000three |  -1000four  |  -1500five  |   -100
(5 rows)

test=# SELECT clean_emp();clean_emp
(1 row)

test=# SELECT * FROM emp;name | salary
------+--------one  |    100two  |   1000four |  -1500five |   -100
(4 rows)

test=# SELECT clean_emp();clean_emp
(1 row)

test=# SELECT * FROM emp;name | salary
------+--------one  |    100two  |   1000five |   -100
(3 rows)

If you know how this problem might be fixed, list the solution below:
Change ther returntype of the function to int a add a dummy "SELECT
1;" into its body:
CREATE FUNCTION clean_emp () RETURNS int AS 'DELETE FROM emp WHERE salary <=

Yours sincerely,
    Ales Zika

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