RE: [INTERFACES] problem with postgres example databse package in stall - Mailing list pgsql-interfaces

From Robert Carbonari
Subject RE: [INTERFACES] problem with postgres example databse package in stall
Msg-id 91E49E736688D21185F500A0C985C7050A2F9C@DOOM
Whole thread Raw
List pgsql-interfaces
We tried this and it didn't work.  Could you please suggest something else?

> -----Original Message-----
> From:    Thomas Lockhart []
> Sent:    Friday, May 21, 1999 9:00 AM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject:    Re: [INTERFACES] problem with postgres example databse
> package install
> > Hi I am having trouble installing the following package:
> >
> ht
> > ml.
> I don't know the origins of this RPM, but you can force an
> installation by using
>   rpm -Uvh --force packagefilename
> Since you've already uninstalled, this shouldn't cause more damage to
> your rpm database (which btw shouldn't be sensitive to rpm package
> contents??) and I would expect that it would uninstall cleanly
> afterwards.
> I usually add a "--test" option before forcing an installation, just
> to catch any other potential problems.
> Good luck.
>                         - Thomas
> -- 
> Thomas Lockhart      
> South Pasadena, California

pgsql-interfaces by date:

From: Henry Ilhuicatzi Cortes
Subject: dbf2pg
From: Thomas Lockhart
Subject: Re: [INTERFACES] problem with postgres example databse package install