Bullseye! Packet filtering was the problem, and was solved by allowing
packets destined to port 5432 in ipchains.
thanx a lot!
-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: pgsql-admin-owner@postgresql.org
[mailto:pgsql-admin-owner@postgresql.org]På vegne af Tom Lane
Sendt: 16. januar 2002 16:52
Til: nickf@ontko.com
Cc: Rasmus Mohr; pgsql-admin@postgresql.org
Emne: Re: [ADMIN] client connection problem
"Nick Fankhauser" <nickf@ontko.com> writes:
> Try adding a line to pg_hba.conf for localhost specifically- I'd guess
> the request is coming in with that address rather than the local machine's
> IP address.
Another possibility is that the connection request is being dropped on
the floor by kernel packet filtering. The default filtering in RH 7.2
is pretty aggressive (just the other day I had to change quite a few
things to get it to allow incoming and outgoing NFS, for example).
Check your ipchains setup in /etc/sysconfig/ipchains.
IIRC, the default ipchains setup does *not* filter localhost
connections, but I think it would apply to connections showing a source
address of your Ethernet IP.
regards, tom lane
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