Hi All,
I am trying to create my first plphyton function ( retrieving earthquake
data from an API) .
Overall I was able to get one single row to be returned, but am struggling
how to return the entire list I have as multiple rows - see below. Currently
I get the following error when running the GetEartquakeAll function:
select GetEartquakeAll('2020-01-01' ,'2020-03-01', -120, 40,200, 1.7)
gives me
ERROR: length of returned sequence did not match number of columns in row
How can I 'simply' return each list value as a row ?
Karsten Vennemann
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION GetEartquakeAll(start date ,stop date, lon float,
lat float,radius int, minmagnitude float) RETURNS equake_values AS $$
import urllib2
import json as json
data =
itude=%s&orderby=magnitude' % (start,stop,lat,lon,radius,minmagnitude))
js_data = json.load(data)
equake = js_data
equakearray = []
a = 0
for i in equake['features']:
equakeplace = i['properties']['place'] # tile for earthquake location
magnitude = i['properties']['mag']
qlong = i['geometry']['coordinates'][0]
qlat = i['geometry']['coordinates'][1]
equakevalue = {"place": equakeplace, "magnitude": magnitude , "qlong":
qlong, "qlat": qlat}
a = a+1
return equakearray
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
# create custom data type that is returned from equake data API query
CREATE TYPE equake_values AS (
place text,
magnitude float,
qlong float,
qlat float