> > Perhaps it helps to URL-encode the & in the password as %26?
> The OP already did without success.
Yes, I already get failed with URL-encode the &.
> Could it be needed to escape the & with the backslash or single ticks?
Thanks. I tested with "pass\&word" and "'pass&word'".
However, them also failed...
My tested ways are followings.
- [ECPG] Connection option with plain string :
EXEC SQL CONNECT "tcp:postgresql://localhost?user=myuser&password=pass&word"
-> Failed.
- [ECPG] Connection option with percent-encoded string :
EXEC SQL CONNECT "tcp:postgresql://localhost?user=myuser&password=pass%26word"
-> Failed.
- [ECPG] Connection option with backslash escaped string :
EXEC SQL CONNECT "tcp:postgresql://localhost?user=myuser&password=pass\&word"
-> Failed. (and gcc claims warning)
- [ECPG] Connection option with single-quoted string :
EXEC SQL CONNECT "tcp:postgresql://localhost?user=myuser&password='pass&word'"
-> Failed.
EXEC SQL CONNECT "tcp:postgresql://localhost" USER "myuser" USING "pass&word"
EXEC SQL CONNECT "tcp:postgresql://localhost" USER "myuser" IDENTIFIED BY "pass&word"
-> Success.
- [psql] Connection option with plain string :
psql "postgresql://localhost?user=myuser&password=pass&word"
-> Failed.
- [psql] Connection option with percent-encoded string :
psql "postgresql://localhost?user=myuser&password=pass%26word"
-> Success.
According to my tests, I think that the ECPG's connection_option seems not to accept '&' character as password
ECPG CONNECT's connection_option seems to have some restricted characters.
I will use "IDENTIFIED BY" phrase to connect the database in my ECPG application.
The database role's password often contains '&' in our environment.
I hope to this limitation will be documented because it causes confusion.
Yusuke, Egashira