Re: Installing PostgreSQL in a Unix Platform - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Mischa Sandberg
Subject Re: Installing PostgreSQL in a Unix Platform
Msg-id 6voWc.57$A8.48@edtnps89
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In response to Re: Installing PostgreSQL in a Unix Platform  (Eyinagho Newton <>)
List pgsql-hackers
Ummm .... time to get a 'Unix in 21 days' book,
because what you're relating indicates you are battling with
some beginner basics:

$ cd /usr/local
or:$ cd /usr$ cd local
not:$ cd /usr$ cd /local

And you can't execute a program in the current directory
(like DOS) unless you explicitly have '.' in your $PATH.
It would have executed if you'd entered:
$ ./pg_ctl

... but I STRONGLY suggest that, until you understand
why, you do not continue with what you're doing, but
rather, learn the Unix basics first.

Eyinagho Newton wrote:
> Dear Drake,
> Thanks for your response and suggestions on what i
> should do to solve the above problem.
> I have tried it and here are the results i had:
> doing a cd  /usr from the command line took me into
> usr directory. However when i tried to do another 
> cd  /local from the above resulting command line, i
> got the following error:
> bash: cd: /local: no such file or directory.
> I later tried to change directory again to 'bin' and
> therein i found 'pg_ctl' . However, when i tried to
> click on it, i got a display message with the words
> 'couldn't find the program "pg_ctl" . Again, i tried
> to enter shell command as a superuser, and through it
> executed the following shell command cd /usr and then
> cd /bin. When in the bin directory, i did an 'ls'
> command but couldn't find pg_ctl. I suspect that it
> truely wasn't installed.
> What should i do next please?
> Cheers,
> Newton Eyinagho
> --- "Joshua D. Drake" <> wrote:
>>If you are compiling from source then the postgresql
>>startup script does 
>>not get installed.
>>You can use pg_ctl in /usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_ctl to
>>start postgresql. 
>>Alternatively you
>>can install the startup script from the contrib
>>directory startscripts/linux
>>Joshua D. Drake
>>Eyinagho Newton wrote:
>>>It has been impossible to install PostgreSQL, an
>>>source software, from my SUSE 8.0 . Although it
>>>you its been installed, each time i try to start it
>>>using SysV-Init Editor, i get the following
>>>starting postgreSQL
>>>/etc/init.d/postgresql.checkproc:command not found
>>>What exactly am i doing wrong? Or better still,
>>>haven't i done yet? Please help me
>>>Newton Eyinagho
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From: Mischa Sandberg
Subject: PG replic refs
From: Tom Lane