How to implement hot standby and PITR recovery possibility in same backup server.
Plan is:
1. Create base backup using
pg_basebackup --checkpoint=fast --verbose --progress --write-recovery-conf -D /var/lib/postgresql/12/standby
2. Create backup copy of /var/lib/postgresql/12/standby directory for PITR
3. set max_wal_size in postgresql.conf to 5 TB
4. Start backup server for hot standby backups.
If data from earlier point of time is required:
1. Stop backup server
2. Replace its data dirctory from of initial data directory contents created in previous p.2
4. Copy pg_wal contents from hot standby pg_wal directory to initial pg_wal directory in base backup
5. Specify recovery time in postgresql.conf and start backup server to recover to this point of time.
The most suspicius point is p.4 : copying manually pg_wal contents from hot data to base backup data.
It this OK ? Or is some better way to implement hot stadby and PITR possibility in same computer ?
Postgres 12 in Debian is used.