Re: Allow WAL information to recover corrupted pg_controldata - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Amit kapila
Subject Re: Allow WAL information to recover corrupted pg_controldata
Msg-id 6C0B27F7206C9E4CA54AE035729E9C38285094A4@szxeml509-mbs
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: Allow WAL information to recover corrupted pg_controldata  (Tom Lane <>)
List pgsql-hackers
> "Torn disk sector"?  Please, this is nonsense.  Disks cannot write half a sector and then stop.    What I was
intendedto say is corruption due to hardware or some other problem, not because when    Postgres is updating pg_control
file.For example  

> Well, we invented pg_resetxlog with the thought that it might be useful
>  for such situations, but I'm not sure offhand that we've ever seen a
>  field report of corrupted pg_control files.
I have found few cases where people have tried to use pg_resetxlog due to hardware problems or missing pg_control file.

> Case in point here is that it's not immediately obvious that we should trust
> the contents of WAL more than pg_control.   Agreed.

> At the moment I don't see that we have either (a) or (b), so I think
> it's pretty dubious to be making any changes of this sort.  As the chances of usecase for this feature are very less,
SoI will stop working on this feature. 

From: Tom Lane []
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 12:11 PM
To: Amit kapila
Cc: Cédric Villemain;; 'Robert Haas'
Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Allow WAL information to recover corrupted pg_controldata

Amit kapila <> writes:
>> AFAIR pg_controldata fit on a disk sector so it can not be half written.

>    It can be corrupt due to some other reasons as well like torn disk sector.

"Torn disk sector"?  Please, this is nonsense.  Disks cannot write half
a sector and then stop.  A sufficiently badly designed drive might
attempt to start a write when it didn't have enough power left to finish
... but the result of that would be a corrupt sector with a non-matching
CRC, not one that read back okay but contained erroneous data.

>  The suggested patch improves the logic to recover corrupt control file. So that is the reason I felt it will be
relevantto do this patch. 

Well, we invented pg_resetxlog with the thought that it might be useful
for such situations, but I'm not sure offhand that we've ever seen a
field report of corrupted pg_control files.  For instance, a quick
search in the archives for "incorrect checksum in control file" turns up
only cases of pilot error, such as supposing that a 32-bit database
could be used with a 64-bit server or vice versa.  Actual hardware
failures on the pg_control file could be expected to result in something
like "could not read from control file: I/O error", which I find no
evidence for at all in the archives.

Before adding new code to improve the situation, it would be good to
have (a) evidence that there's a problem worth solving, and (b) a theory
as to what likely-to-occur cases the new code is going to make better,
while not making things worse in other likely-to-occur cases.  Case in
point here is that it's not immediately obvious that we should trust
the contents of WAL more than pg_control --- the former gets a whole
lot more write traffic and hence has many more opportunities for

At the moment I don't see that we have either (a) or (b), so I think
it's pretty dubious to be making any changes of this sort.
                       regards, tom lane

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