On 2024-02-07 20:13 +0100, Edwin UY wrote:
> Sorry I didn't mention I am running the script as \i [sqlfile]
> More often than not, I do a \conninfo first to confirm which database I am
> connecting to just to be safe. Wanting to redirect that information to the
> output file is for reference in case there's an issue and I needed to prove
> that I am indeed connected to the right database/host based on \conninfo.
You can also use a wrapper script that runs \conninfo before prompting
the user on whether to continue with the actual script or abort. For
\prompt 'continue? [yes/no] ' continue
\if :continue
\echo 'continue'
\unset continue
\i :script
\echo 'abort'
Run the wrapper by passing the script filename as variable :script:
$ psql -v script=myscript.sql -f wrapper.sql | tee outfile
> At the moment, using script [outfile] and \o | tee [outfile]. The latter
> produces a cleaner output. Will search if there is a SQL that will give a
> similar output to \conninfo or do you happen to have one :-)
There's an active thread on -hackers about extending \conninfo. There
you'll find a query[1] with functions that provide the same info.
[1] https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/20240206210605.GA3903769%40nathanxps13