I have set of create table statements. I need to execute them at one go
instead of running individual statement to create a table.
Help !
-----Original Message-----
From: Timothy Perrigo [mailto:tperrigo@wernervas.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 8:40 PM
To: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] How to make a good documentation of a database ?
Autodoc might be useful: http://www.rbt.ca/autodoc/
On Nov 18, 2004, at 8:31 AM, David Pradier wrote:
> Hi !
> I've just inherited the responsibility of a postgresql database
> of roughly 480 tables and 6460 columns, mainly without constraints,
> not even foreign keys.
> I'd like to make it a little more orthodox (lots and lots of
> constraints, yeah !!), but I need a tool to make a documentation about
> every column, at least, as some column are really vicious (like, they
> are a foreign key to a table which depends on the type of another
> column...).
> The best idea I could come with to do that was to maintain an output of
> pgdump --shema-only, versioned with cvs, annotated with a patch, itself
> versioned with cvs.
> Not that bright, isn't it ?
> The problem is, I don't want to use a lot of time to maintain this
> documentation, and above all, I'd prefer not to insert the information
> twice (read: a new constraint in the database should automagically
> update the documentation).
> Does somebody know the right way to do this ?
> Best regards,
> David Pradier
> --
> dpradier@apartia.fr - tel: - fax:
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