I'm using a perl function in my PosgreSQL database to send an email.
However, field data containing single quotes causes the function to fail.
I'm having trouble escaping the quotes. Sample function definition follows.
If company_name is Bob's Fixit, the function will fail.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.send_rma(rma_info)
use Mail::Sender;
my ($rma_data) = @_;
my ($sender) = new Mail::Sender {
smtp => \'\',
from => \'supp@cog.com\',
on_errors => \'die\'
to => \'pgsql-admin@postgresql.org\',
cc => \'supp@cog.com\',
subject => "RMA Request $rma_data->{\'rma\'}"
$sender->SendLineEnc("[CASE NUMBER]");
$sender->SendLineEnc("[COMPANY NAME]");
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