Re: Join help, please - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Guyren Howe
Subject Re: Join help, please
Msg-id 58c73414-6ad6-46aa-a74d-f96a342cc751@Spark
Whole thread Raw
In response to Join help, please  (stan <>)
List pgsql-general
The three types of thing (permitted_work; employee; work_type) don’t stand in a 1:1 relationship with each other. You might have multiple work_types or permitted_work for each employee, I’m guessing.

Each existing combination produces one row in the result. So an employee with three permitted_works and 4 work types will produce 12 rows in the joined result.

If you want one row per employee, you might consider using array_agg with group_by to collapse the multiple work_types or permitted_works into arrays alongside the employee information.
On Mar 18, 2020, 11:51 -0700, stan <>, wrote:
I am confused. given this view:

work_type.type ,
permit ,
work_type.overhead ,
inner join employee on
employee.employee_key = permitted_work.employee_key
inner join work_type on
work_type.work_type_key = work_type.work_type_key

Why do I have 38475 rows, when the base table only has 855?

My thinking was that the inner joins would constrain this view to the rows
that exist in the base (permitted_work) table.

Clearly I am misunderstanding something basic here.

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neither liberty nor safety."
-- Benjamin Franklin

pgsql-general by date:

From: Michael Lewis
Subject: Re: Join help, please
From: Michael Lewis
Subject: Re: Join help, please