Hello all,
So I saw to fix a memory error I should upgrade to 7.1.x.
After downloading 7.1.2 I went to back up my database file per
and well I get
pg_dumpall -v > database.bkup
Connection to database 'galaxy' failed.
FATAL 1: Database path could not be resolved.
pg_dump failed on galaxy, exiting
Okay here is the problem this database no longer exist At some point the
dir path for it got removed and I do not know when or why I did that with
out dropdb. So postgres is still thinking it should be there.
How do I get postgres to stop thinking it is there I now can not do a
dropdb if I do I get
ERROR: The database path '(null)' is invalid. This may be due to a
character that is not allowed or because the chosen path isn't p
ermitted for databases
dropdb: database removal failed
Which it should do.
Please HELP