Re: PostgreSQL and Linux 2.6 kernel. - Mailing list pgsql-performance

From Gary Doades
Subject Re: PostgreSQL and Linux 2.6 kernel.
Msg-id 406D1F4A.27973.73B2299@localhost
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: PostgreSQL and Linux 2.6 kernel.  (Tom Lane <>)
List pgsql-performance
The post was not intended to be content-rich, just my initial feedback
after only just switching to 2.6. Since I had largely given up on this
particular line of attack using 2.4 I didn't think to do a detailed analysis
at this time. I was also hoping that others would add to the discussion.

As this could become important I will be doing more analysis, but due to
the nature of the issue and trying to keep as many factors constant as
possible, this may take some time.


On 2 Apr 2004 at 1:32, Tom Lane wrote:

> "Gary Doades" <> writes:
> > As a test in PosgreSQL I issued a statement to update a single column
> > of a table containing 2.8 million rows with the values of a column in
> > a table with similar rowcount.  Using the above spec I had to stop the
> > server after 17 hours. The poor thing was thrashing the hard disk and
> > doing more swapping than useful work.
> This statement is pretty much content-free, since you did not show us
> the table schemas, the query, or the EXPLAIN output for the query.
> (I'll forgive you the lack of EXPLAIN ANALYZE, but you could easily
> have provided all the other hard facts.)  There's really no way to tell
> where the bottleneck is.  Maybe it's a kernel-level issue, but I would
> not bet on that without more evidence.  I'd definitely not bet on it
> without direct confirmation that the same query plan was used in both
> setups.
>             regards, tom lane
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pgsql-performance by date:

From: Tom Lane
Subject: Re: PostgreSQL and Linux 2.6 kernel.
From: "Aaron Werman"
Subject: Re: single index on more than two coulumns a bad thing?