Re: Force commit in M$ Access? - Mailing list pgsql-odbc

From Aaron Spike
Subject Re: Force commit in M$ Access?
Msg-id 40336B11.10952.F5815A9@localhost
Whole thread Raw
In response to Force commit in M$ Access?  ("Fred Parkinson" <>)
List pgsql-odbc
On 18 Feb 2004 at 10:41, Fred Parkinson wrote:
> Does anyone know if it is possible, when using an Access bound form
> against a postgresql table, to force changes to commit?

This is probably a bad idea but
SendKeys "+{ENTER}"
might just work.

Pressing Shift+Enter in a form is supposed to commit changes to the
current record. I'm not sure if there is a cleaner VBA hook into that

Aaron Spike

pgsql-odbc by date:

From: "Fred Parkinson"
Subject: Force commit in M$ Access?
From: "Philippe Lang"
Subject: Re: Force commit in M$ Access?