On 2024-02-25 17:38 +0100, Marcos Pegoraro wrote:
> All the time we have doubts about what function exists in what version, or
> was changed.
pgPedia may give you some overview, although it does not claim to be
> IS JSON belongs to 15 or 16, MERGE was done on 14 or 15, as example, are
> completely new, so that feature will not run on previous versions.
MERGE, for example: https://pgpedia.info/m/merge.html
> But if I don't read that page carefully, word by word, I will not see that
> that function exists. And this needs to be done on all pages.
> What changes were done on CREATE TABLE for version 16 ? Hmm, cool, STORAGE
> can be defined at CREATE TABLE stage and not only at ALTER TABLE anymore.
> But to know that I have to read that page carefully, do you understand me ?
CREATE TABLE: https://pgpedia.info/c/create-table.html