On 3 Dec 2002 at 8:09, Chris Boget wrote:
> Perfectly valid point.
> However, when I need to do maintenence, I can simply go in and change the
> shell then change it back. That's very different from giving user postgres a
> permanent shell. And as I'd be rebooting (only because I'm still learning and not
> because there might be problems with the system) more often than I'd be doing
> maintenence on PG, I need to be able to get PG to start up during boot.
> Perhaps I'm being overly paranoid but I've already been hacked once due to lax
> security. I'm just trying to cover all of my bases.
To me it looks like,
1) You are the sole console user
2) Your machine is on internet.
In that case a shell for postgresql user is not much a threat since you alone
will be having it's password. May be do not enable postgresql on network etc..
I don't think a simple way of doing it as postgresql is explicitly designed not
to run as root. So you need postgres user and a shell for it.
Fidelity, n.: A virtue peculiar to those who are about to be betrayed.