I'm using 7.1beta (gotta love those views with unions, distincts,
etc.!). As has been noted earlier, the 6.50 ODBC driver (current
stable version) does not work w/7.1beta.
So, I compiled last night's CVS sources to create a new
psqlodbc.dll. This works *great* -- for tables. I don't see any of the
views (I did w/Pg7.0.2 and the stable 7.50 ODBC driver).
I can see through the ODBC trace that the driver gets the tables
select relname, usename, relhasrules from pg_class, pg_user where
relkind = 'r' and usesysid = relowner order by relname
(relkind='r' is for normal tables, 'v' is for views).
Is this an intended change? Something I did? Something I/someone
else can fix?
I do read this list, but always appreciate a 'cc' so I don't miss any
reponses. TIA.
BTW, the improvements to the ODBC driver also include a fix so that
referential integrity errors are reported properly as errors. No more
"looks like it worked, but really didn't". Thanks to everyone who
fixed this!
Joel Burton, Director of Information Systems -*- jburton@scw.org
Support Center of Washington (www.scw.org)