crosstab maybe by case statement - Mailing list pgsql-sql
From | John Fabiani |
Subject | crosstab maybe by case statement |
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Msg-id | 38005033.0jKWgoBbif@linux-12 Whole thread Raw |
List | pgsql-sql |
Hi Folks, I have one that I need your advise on how to construct. I have the need to create a series of dates starting from a Sunday - one week apart. (select ((date_trunc('week', '2012-02-12'::date)::date) +(i+6)) as week_date from generate_series(0,84,7) i) as foo that gives a table of sunday dates starting from '2012-02-12'::date The dates will be used in the column headings ( I don't know in advance what those dates will be - because the start sunday can change). I have written functions to return sum()'s of a field for the week starting from the sundays returned from the above dates. getqtyordered(itemsite_id, foo.week_date) -- returns qty order for the week getqtyalloc(itemsite_id, foo.week_date) -- qty_alloc for the week ... I actually have several of these types of functions. And of course there is other information retrieved. What I need to output is the following: Name date 1 date2 date3 date4 ... qty order 10 8 20 15 qty_alloc 6 0 3 50 What I can't figure out is how to get the dates to become my field/column name. BELOW IS MY ACTUAL FUNCTION: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION xchromasun._chromasun_totals(date) RETURNS SETOF weekly_mpr AS $BODY$ DECLARE _passed_date alias for $1;_start_date date; _warehous_id integer; _firm_planned_accum numeric; _running_avail numeric; _start_qoh numeric; _itemsite_id integer; _olditemsite_id integer; rec record; myrecord weekly_mpr; counter integer; BEGIN _running_avail :=0; _firm_planned_accum := 0; _olditemsite_id := 0; _itemsite_id := 0; counter := 0; --find Sunday select the_date from (select (_passed_date::date) - num as the_date, extract(dow from ((_passed_date::date) - num)) as weekday from (select generate_series(0,6) as num) as t) as myans where weekday = 0 into _start_date; for rec in select itemsite_id,item_number, item_descrip1, itemsite_qtyonhand, itemsite_safetystock,foo.week_date,itemsite_leadtime,warehous_code, coalesce(vend_name,'NOT ON FILE') as "vendor", coalesce(vend_number, 'NONE') as "vend_number", xchromasun._chromasun_getqtyordered(itemsite_id, foo.week_date) as "qty_ordered", xchromasun._chromasun_getqtyallocated(itemsite_id, foo.week_date) as "qty_alloc", xchromasun._chromasun_getqtypr(itemsite_id, foo.week_date) as "purch_req", xchromasun._chromasun_getqtyplanneddemand(itemsite_id, foo.week_date) as "planned_demand", qtyavailable(itemsite_id, foo.week_date) as "qty_avail", (select xchromasun._chromasun_getqtyfirmed(itemsite_id, foo.week_date)) as "firm_planned_orders", (xchromasun._chromasun_getqtyplanned(itemsite_id, foo.week_date) - (select xchromasun._chromasun_getqtyfirmed(itemsite_id, foo.week_date))) as "planned_orders" from public.itemsite left join whsinfo on (warehous_id = itemsite_warehous_id) left join item on (item_id = itemsite_item_id) left join itemsrc on (itemsrc_item_id = item_id) left outer join vendinfo on (vend_id = itemsrc_vend_id), (select ((date_trunc('week', _start_date::date)::date) +(i+6)) as week_date from generate_series(0,84,7) i) as foo where itemsite_item_id in (select item_id from item) and item_type = 'P' order by item_number asc,vend_number,week_date loopcounter := counter +1; _olditemsite_id :=rec.itemsite_id; IF _itemsite_id <> _olditemsite_id THEN _itemsite_id := rec.itemsite_id; _running_avail := rec.itemsite_qtyonhand;END IF; _firm_planned_accum = _firm_planned_accum + rec.firm_planned_orders ; _running_avail = _running_avail - rec.planned_demand + rec.qty_ordered - rec.qty_alloc ; myrecord.counter := counter::integer; myrecord.warehous_code := rec.warehous_code; myrecord.week_of := rec.week_date; myrecord.qty_ordered := rec.qty_ordered; myrecord.firm_planned_orders := rec.firm_planned_orders; myrecord.planned_orders := rec.planned_orders; myrecord.item_number := rec.item_number; myrecord.item_descrip1 := rec.item_descrip1; myrecord.itemsite_qtyonhand := rec.itemsite_qtyonhand; myrecord.itemsite_safetystock := rec.itemsite_safetystock; myrecord.qty_alloc := rec.qty_alloc; myrecord.qty_avail := rec.qty_avail; myrecord.planned_qoh := _running_avail; myrecord.firm_avail := _firm_planned_accum; myrecord.lead_time := rec.itemsite_leadtime; myrecord.vend_number := rec.vend_number; myrecord.vendor := rec.vendor; myrecord.purch_req := rec.purch_req; myrecord.planned_demand := -rec.planned_demand; return next myrecord; end loop; return; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE COST 100 ROWS 1000; ALTER FUNCTION xchromasun._chromasun_totals(date) OWNER TO postgres;