Re: Get interval in months - Mailing list pgsql-general

From dbalinglung
Subject Re: Get interval in months
Msg-id 2BF538D91A954B419727426A18DEEE1C@alam
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: Get interval in months  ("dbalinglung" <>)
List pgsql-general

thank you very much.

Best Regards,

Alam Surya

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sam Mason" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 18:50
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Get interval in months

> On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 12:06:04PM +0700, dbalinglung wrote:
>> Dear Expert,
>> I have a function to getting time interval bellow :
>> create or replace function scmaster.pr_gettimeinterval(time without time
>> zone, time without time zone, numeric(5,2)) returns char(10) As '
>> declare v_timein    alias for $1;
>>         v_timeout   alias for $2;
>>         v_timebreak alias for $3;
>>         v_output    char(10);
>> begin
>>   raise notice ''-- BOF --'';
>>   v_output := select ((v_timeout - v_timein) - interval ''v_timebreak
>> minutes'');
> You've got the brackets wrong here, you need brackets around the whole
> SELECT statement a bit like subselects.  Also, the INTERVAL literal
> is wrong.  At the moment, you're telling PG to interpret the string
> 'v_timebreak minutes' as an interval which will fail.  You can either
> concatenate the numeric value of the "v_timebreak" column with the
> string ' minutes' to get a valid string that can be interpreted as an
> INTERVAL; or a better option would be to create a fixed interval and
> then multiply it by your numeric value.
>>   raise notice ''-- EOF --'';
>> return v_output;
>> end;'
>> language plpgsql;
>> and when i compilled from pgAdmin, i got some error message
> I'd probably write it like this:
>  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cmaster.pr_gettimeinterval(
>      _timein TIME, _timeout TIME, _timebreak NUMERIC)
>  $$
>      _output TEXT;
>    BEGIN
>      _output := (SELECT _timeout - _timein - INTERVAL '1 minute' *
> _timebreak);
>      RETURN _output;
>    END
>  $$;
> The operator precedence is such that this will work without brackets,
> but you can put them in if you want.  The "_output" variable is
> also unneeded, you can just RETURN the SELECT statement in one line
> (i.e. RETURN (SELECT 1) works), but I left it in because I thought you
> may want to do other things with it.
>  Sam

pgsql-general by date:

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