Am Donnerstag, 23. Februar 2012, 11:08:29 schrieb Kevin Grittner:
> > What can I do to improve pg_dump performance?
> I can't help wondering why you're running it. For routine backups
> it is generally not your best option in PostgreSQL. PITR or warm
> standby are generally more useful for routine backups of any
> database big enough to worry about run time.
We're a hoster, so usually each database belongs to a different
customer. Each customer can have a "get a dump of our database daily"
dump. Also, restoring a single db is simpler when you got a dump of it.
> For my purposes, pg_dump is mostly useful for dumping schema as SQL
> statements or dumping data from individual tables. Prior to the
> availability of pg_upgrade our main use was for upgrades from one
> major release to another, but I now see it as a pretty narrow niche
> utility -- at least for my shop.
Agreed, for a classical db server this could be better. We need the
per-db dumps, so pg_dump performance tuning would be nice. It's quite
slow currently. Someone got hints what to do against that?
mit freundlichen Grüssen,
Michael Monnerie, Ing. BSc
it-management Internet Services: Protéger [gesprochen: Prot-e-schee]
Tel: +43 660 / 415 6531