Privilege on schema 'public' not revokable - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Vincent de Phily
Subject Privilege on schema 'public' not revokable
Msg-id 21827867.Vv4reBIv5D@moltowork
Whole thread Raw
Responses Re: Privilege on schema 'public' not revokable
List pgsql-general



after having been locked-out of the public schema by mistake (which I fixed with "GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO 'foobar'"), I wanted to update my privilege-check script to take the schema into account, but I'm running into the following behaviour :


> $ psql db_foo

> psql (9.1.2)

> Type "help" for help.


> db_foo=# REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM foouser;


> db_foo=# SELECT has_schema_privilege('foouser', 'public', 'CREATE');

> has_schema_privilege

> ----------------------

> t

> (1 row)


> db_foo=# \q

> $ psql db_foo -U foouser

> psql (9.1.2)

> Type "help" for help.


> db_foo=> create table tokill2(a int);


> db_foo=>


This is observable in 9.1.2 and 8.3.18 (gentoo linux packages). Same issue with USAGE privilege. 'foouser' is neither a superuser nor the owner of any database object.


Either I misunderstood something, or something is going awry (I expected has_schema_privilege() to return 'f', and not being allowed to create a table as user 'foouser').


I'm also wondering how I managed to revoke the privilege (symptom: "no such table 'foobar'" messages when logged-in as the problematic user) in the first place. I was using slony 2.1 to migrate from PG8.3 to PG 9.1. Not all migrated databases were affected by the problem.



As an aside, is there any better way to check existing privileges ? I need to call the has_*_privilege() function for each privilege type to get an exact view, which is cumbersome. I was using pg_class.relacl before, but it doesn't support all object types and is not an official interface. Some of the tables in information_schema look ideal, but again not all object types are covered.




Thanks in advance.



Vincent de Phily


pgsql-general by date:

From: Andrew Gould
Subject: Re: Valid Input Syntax for Type DATE
From: "David Johnston"
Subject: Re: Privilege on schema 'public' not revokable