Re: Windows Crash - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Ludwig Kniprath
Subject Re: Windows Crash
Msg-id 21412245.46511214498603241.JavaMail.servlet@kundenserver
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In response to Windows Crash  (Bob Pawley <>)
Responses Re: Windows Crash
List pgsql-general
Hallo Bob,
I also use pgDmin on XP with postGIS and imported Shape-Files, but without problems.
As far as I know pgadmin uses gtk, and there are some google-hits for searchvalues "pgadmin" and "gtk" reporting
hardware-crasheson windows and linux Systems. 
Perhaps the same problem?

>MS's web site has a good summary at
>93.mspx?mfr=true .  Their bottom line: " Faulty hardware, a buggy system
>service, antivirus software, and a corrupted NTFS volume can all generate
>type of error."
>If you haven't installed anything else recently or changed any other drivers
>(and you've tried the same w/your AV turned off), I'd strongly suspect a
>hardware error.  Run a CHKDSK to check the system drive volume and a RAM test
>rule out bad RAM (bad RAM would be the first thing I'd check).
>- Bill
>-----Original Message-----
>[] On Behalf Of Bob Pawley
>Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2008 11:57 AM
>To: PostGIS Users Discussion
>Cc: PostgreSQL
>Subject: [GENERAL] Windows Crash
>I'm copying PostgreSQL discussion group in case the following problem
>involves their efforts.
>I am running Postgresql 8.3 with Postgis latest version and PGAdmin 1.8.2 on
>Windows XP.
>I imported a shapefile using conversion and upload and it installed with no
>When I viewed the table through PGAdmin and scrolled, Windows crashed with a
>message that the graphics driver had an error.
>I downloaded and installed the latest graphics driver and tried to view the
>table again.
>This time I used the Select * option and the table opened normally, but when
>I attempted to scroll, Windows again crashed.
>This time I got the blue screen with the error message
>I restarted and again used Select * all and was able to read the table. Very
>slow scrolling allowed me to read a few rows, some of which had distorted
>views of the information in the geometriy column.
>Would anyone have any thoughts - other than to buy new hardware??
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From: "Bill Bartlett"
Subject: Re: Windows Crash
From: Dean Rasheed
Subject: Re: what are rules for?