Jon Emord <> writes:
> -> Index Only Scan using entity_data_model_id_primary_key_uniq on entity (cost=0.70..873753.60 rows=15581254
width=31)(actual time=0.093..2712.836 rows=100 loops=1)
> Index Cond: ((ROW(data_model_id, primary_key) >= ROW(123, 'ABC'::text)) AND (ROW(data_model_id, primary_key)
<=ROW(123, 'DEF'::text)))
> Heap Fetches: 4
> Buffers: shared hit=97259
> 2.
> data_model_id = 123 is the 15 most common value of data_model_id with 10.8 million records
Hm. I think your answer is in this comment in nbtree's
key-preprocessing logic:
* Row comparison keys are currently also treated without any smarts:
* we just transfer them into the preprocessed array without any
* editorialization. We can treat them the same as an ordinary inequality
* comparison on the row's first index column, for the purposes of the logic
* about required keys.
That is, for the purposes of deciding when the index scan can stop,
the "<= ROW" condition acts like "data_model_id <= 123". So it will
run through all of the data_model_id = 123 entries before stopping.
regards, tom lane